Sunday, April 19, 2009

دسيســه ای جهانی

جيمی کارتــر، پـدرخوانـده ی هـرج و مـرج جهـانی!

Jimmy Carter "Godfather of World Chaos"

Evidence Jimmy Carter abandoned the Shah of Iran:

He Provided political and financial sponsor ship. . . checks of $150 million to Neauphle-le-Chateau outside Paris. . . while Khomeini plotted to kill the Shah of Iran and overthrow his nation. The French, British, and Germans agreed to support his plan.

An Air France jet loaded with terrorists and journalists delivered Carter's holy man to Tehran
On April Fools Day 1980 Ayatollah Khomeini, the godfather of world terror, proclaimed "the first day of the government of God," thus giving birth to what is now known as radical Islam.

Carter poured $500 million into the Muslim Brotherhood, calling them freedom fighters. We now call them the Taliban and al Qaeda.
On Inauguration Day 1980 shortly after 4:00 AM he wire-transferred $7.9 billion in an attempt to buy back the hostages after 444 days of humiliation.

"Jimmy Carter: the Liberal Left and World Chaos" is the new expose by #1 New York Times bestselling author Mike Evans, who documents, for the first time, the following facts about President Jimmy Carter:

* He provided checks of $150 million each to Khomeini who plotted to kill the shah of Iran and overthrow his nation.

* He provided $500 million to the Muslim Brotherhood freedom fighters who became the Taliban and al- Qaida.

* He wire-transferred $7.9 billion to buy-back the hostages after 444 days of humiliation.



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